Indian Air Force to Bring Back Bodies from Kuwait: A Tragic Return Home

 Indian Air Force to Bring Back Bodies from Kuwait: A Tragic Return Home

Kuwait Fire Incident

In a heart-wrenching scene, the Indian Air Force is preparing to bring back the charred remains of 11 Keralites who lost their lives in a devastating fire in Kuwait. The tragic incident has sent shockwaves across the state, with families and friends of the victims rushing to the airport to bid a final farewell.

The Tragic Incident

The fire, which broke out in a residential building in Kuwait, has left the families of the victims in a state of shock and grief. The Indian Air Force has been tasked with bringing back the bodies of the deceased, who were mostly from Kerala.

The Emotional Return

As the Indian Air Force plane prepares to take off from Kuwait, the families of the victims are gathering at the airport to bid a final farewell to their loved ones. The scene is emotional, with many breaking down in tears as they say their last goodbyes.

The Tragedy Unfolds

The tragedy unfolded when a fire broke out in the residential building, trapping many people inside. The victims, who were mostly from Kerala, were unable to escape the inferno, and their bodies were found completely charred.

The Response

The Indian government has announced a compensation package for the families of the victims, and the Kerala government has also dispatched a team to Kuwait to provide support and assistance.

The Impact

The incident has sent shockwaves across Kerala, with many people expressing their condolences and offering support to the families of the victims. The incident has also highlighted the need for better fire safety measures in residential buildings, particularly in foreign countries.


The tragic return of the bodies of the 11 Keralites from Kuwait is a heart-wrenching reminder of the devastating impact of the fire. As the families of the victims bid a final farewell to their loved ones, our thoughts are with them during this difficult time.

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