TISS in Turmoil: Sudden Dismissals Spark Outrage Amid Funding Crisis


TISS in Turmoil: Sudden Dismissals Spark Outrage Amid Funding Crisis

In a move that has sent shockwaves through the academic community, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) has abruptly dismissed 55 faculty members and 60 non-teaching staff across its four campuses. The decision, which has been attributed to the non-receipt of grants from the Tata Education Trust, has left the affected employees in a state of uncertainty and despair.The dismissals, which were communicated to the employees via email on Friday evening, have been met with widespread condemnation from the TISS community. The dismissed faculty members, many of whom had been with the institute for over a decade, were not only highly qualified but also deeply committed to the TISS ethos of social science research and intervention."These were not just NET-passed PhD scholars, but individuals selected by a highly regarded panel of the Tata Education Trust," lamented a senior TISS official in Mumbai. "The selection process considered their social backgrounds and commitment to social sciences. Many of these professors turned down lucrative offers from private universities because of their dedication to TISS."The sudden termination of these contracts has left the affected employees in a precarious position, with some expressing their shock and disappointment at the institute's decision. "We had no inkling that they would not honor the commitment given to us," said a faculty member from the Guwahati campus, who had been actively involved in the admission process and curriculum development just days before the dismissals.The TISS administration has attributed the decision to the non-receipt of grants from the Tata Education Trust, which had been funding the salaries of these contractual employees. The institute has reached out to the Trust multiple times in the past six months, seeking the continuation of the grants, but has yet to receive a definitive response."While there is no direct communication from the Trust that they are going to discontinue the grants, there is no other communication too, making it difficult for the institute administration to sustain," explained a member of the TISS administration.The dismissals have also raised concerns about the future of the affected courses and programs, as the institute grapples with the challenge of finding alternative ways to continue operations. "All these positions were created under various schools and centers run by TISS on the basis of funding from the Tata Education Trust," noted a faculty member from the Mumbai campus. "We are unsure how the institute plans to run the courses after this arbitrary dismissal of such a large number of employees without having an alternative ready."The TISS Teachers Association has held an urgent meeting to discuss the matter, and the institute has indicated that it will approach the Tata Education Trust again, seeking a resolution to the funding crisis. However, the future of the dismissed employees and the impact on the institute's academic programs remain uncertain.This sudden upheaval at TISS has not only shaken the academic community but also raised questions about the sustainability of higher education institutions that rely heavily on external funding. As the institute navigates this challenging period, the hope is that a resolution can be found that preserves the legacy and mission of this renowned institution.

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