Tragedy Strikes a Family: Delhi Airport Roof Collapse Claims the Life of a Breadwinner


Tragedy Strikes a Family: Delhi Airport Roof Collapse Claims the Life of a Breadwinner
Delhi Airport Roof Collapse

In a heartbreaking turn of events, the collapse of the roof at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport has claimed the life of a taxi driver, leaving his family in a state of profound grief and uncertainty.Ramesh Kumar, a 45-year-old resident of Vijay Vihar in Rohini, Delhi, was the sole breadwinner for his family, which includes two sons and two daughters. His untimely demise has not only shattered his loved ones but also cast a shadow over the upcoming weddings of his two daughters, events that were once filled with joy and anticipation.The tragedy unfolded on Saturday night, as heavy rains pounded the capital city. Ramesh, who was on duty at the airport, was trapped in his car when an iron beam from the collapsing canopy structure fell on him. Despite being rushed to the nearby Medanta Hospital, he was declared dead on arrival.The family's ordeal was further compounded by the lack of timely information and transparency from the authorities. Ravindra, Ramesh's son, recounts the harrowing experience, "We received a call at 8:30 am in the morning, telling us that our father had fainted at the airport and was taken to the hospital. But they did not inform us about the tragedy that had occurred."It was only after hours of waiting and being shuttled between the police station and the hospital that the family finally learned of Ramesh's tragic demise. The delay in providing them with accurate information has only added to their anguish and sense of helplessness.As the family grapples with the loss of their sole breadwinner, the looming expenses of the upcoming weddings have become a daunting concern. Ravindra's words capture the family's despair, "We are worried about how we will manage the expenses for our sisters' weddings without our father's support."In the wake of this tragedy, the family is demanding a thorough judicial inquiry into the incident and seeking adequate compensation from the government. Their plea for justice and support underscores the human cost behind the structural failure that has shaken the nation's capital.This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of prioritizing safety and transparency, especially in critical public infrastructure. As the family mourns the loss of their beloved Ramesh, the nation must stand in solidarity and ensure that such tragedies do not befall others, and that the families affected are provided with the necessary support and closure they deserve.

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